What is HCG
HCG is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. Women produce this hormone during pregnancy. It controls the metabolic function (energy production) during pregnancy. Basically it makes sure the fetus gets fed no matter how the mother eats. When you take this hormone and you are not pregnant, or are a male, it will control metabolism to break down the abnormal stores of fat in the body.

How much will I lose & is it safe?
The average person loses1-2 lbs a day. Dr Simeons protocol for weight loss shows that only abnormal stores of adipose tissue is broken down and not lean muscle. For this reason most HCG dieters state they feel great and have energy on the diet.

What about cheaper plans?

Honestly, you get what you pay for. Some places sell a 40 day supply of HCG but it is mixed with Herbs or Amino acids to make you feel great but actually that decreases the amount of HCG in the product therefore you have to do more rounds to achieve the same weight loss. Some times products are manufactured over sea’s (India) then brought to the US. Our product comes with Doctor support directly from Dr. Janiak who has herself, done the diet and knows all the in’s and out and will guide you thru step by step